Practical Training „COMBIVERT G6 and COMBIVIS 6“

Course 9 – on request in Barntrup

Date:on request
Time:9.00 – 17.00 h (2 days)
Participants:max. 12 persons
Fees per person:Euro 750 + VAT 
Incl. training documentation, lunch, beverages


The participants get an overview of the functionality of a frequency inverter and its general conditions. By the means of pratical exercises and examples the participants learn the projectioning, start-up and parameterisation of the series COMBIVERT F5 and G6. They obtain a general view of the functionality of the units and are able to adjust these to respective application.

Requirements:- Basic electronical
- PC knowledge



  • Basics frequency inverters
  • Connection and taking units into operation
  • Operation surfaces
  • PC-operation surface COMBIVIS 6
  • Function extent of the units
  • Operating mode u/f and sensorless control (ASCL/SCL)
  • Error diagnosis
  • Accessories
  • Practical exercises

Registration request: Practical Training „COMBIVERT G6 and COMBIVIS 6“ – Course 9 in Barntrup

The fields marked with * are mandatory.

Keb schulung team

KEB Automation Training

+49 5263 401-262