Complaints Procedure (Supply Chain Act)
The KEB Group has the claim that decisions are in accordance with laws, internal regulations and values. The complaint procedure serves the implementation of the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act. The Supply Chain Due Diligence Act regulates corporate responsibility for the observance of human rights in supply chains. The KEB Group has intensively dealt with the due diligence obligations in its own supply chain and implemented corresponding processes to minimize risks in the supply chain. We see the complaints procedure as an important building block for the sustainable further development of our risk management and our processes. The complaints procedure is intended to give (potentially) affected persons the opportunity to submit information and complaints regarding possible breaches of duty. In addition to our employees, potentially affected persons include employees of (indirect) suppliers as well as, for example, residents living in the vicinity of local sites. The complaints procedure is intended to make it possible to submit information and complaints about human rights and environmental risks.
You can share your complaints or tips with us confidentially and securely. We ensure that your identity is protected so that we can protect you from discrimination. We take all tips seriously and investigate them thoroughly. If you wish to report a grievance, breach of law or rule, you can confidentially (and anonymously if you wish) contact the Legal Department as your internal contact. You can find more detailed information in our rules of procedure.
You determine the content of the information you provide. However, to enable us to follow up the information effectively, please provide as much specific information as possible (e.g: In which company was the infringement committed? Is the infringement still ongoing? Who may be affected by the infringement?) The more detailed and comprehensibly you describe the facts of the case, the more likely it is that we will be able to clarify the matter. Please also let us know whether you yourself are affected by the consequences of an infringement.

Sebastian Adloff
Legal Department
+49 5263 401-688
or by mail to
Complaints Procedure for Supply Chain Act
KEB Automation KG, Südstraße 38, 32683 Barntrup