These filters give turbo blowers a long life
Z2 sine filters limit heating
Turbo blowers are a special field of application in many respects. The machines have high power, often operate under harsh environmental conditions and must operate with maximum energy efficiency. To meet these requirements, a combination of COMBIVERT F6 high-speed drives and Z2 sine filters from KEB Automation is ideal for running many turbo blowers.

Turbo blowers are used in numerous fields of application. For example, the machines are often required in wastewater treatment plants. As part of aeration systems, they continuously supply the clarifier with oxygen to revitalize the microorganisms necessary for water purification. The turbo blowers are characterized by their environmental friendliness, because significant energy savings can be achieved with components such as the COMBIVERT F6 high-speed drives and the matching Z2 sine filters from KEB. The speed of the motor is reliably controlled to precisely adjust the outlet pressure and flow rate. Due to the significantly lower energy consumption, the investments can be amortized in just a few years.
In high-speed machines, motors often reach speeds of more than 100,000 revolutions per minute. To prevent damage to the motor and costly downtime, KEB high-speed drives in combination with the appropriate filters ensure that motors keep cool. “The solution of filter and COMBIVERT drive system keeps the heat generation of the high-speed motor under control and proves to be practical and economical, especially under harsh environmental conditions, due to the sensorless control. Furthermore, our customers can choose between air-cooled and liquid-cooled versions of the drives, as well as between built-in and push-through variants,” says Thomas Tottleben, applications engineer at KEB.

Sine filters significantly reduce motor losses
A special feature of the KEB high-speed solution is the interaction between inverter and sine filter technology. The COMBILINE Z2 sine filters are matched to the KEB F6 and S6 drives and are the first choice for turbo blowers. By using the sine filters, the motor is supplied with a sinusoidal voltage. “We can operate fast-rotating machines such as turbo blowers in a power range up to 450 kW with our solution of Z2 sine filters and drive converters. The filters are equipped with a low-loss core material.
“We can operate fast-rotating machines such as turbo blowers in a power range up to 450 kW with our solution of Z2 sinusoidal filters and drive inverters. The filters have been designed with a low-loss core material and have a high efficiency of η>99%,“ says Tottleben. This is why we call the Z2 filters high-speed filters,” he adds. It is important that machines work reliably and without faults. A big advantage is therefore that the KEB sine filters are robust and vibration-resistant.
Modular choke and capacitor
A special feature in the application of the filter is the combination of choke and capacitor. KEB follows the modular design principle here and allows the individual components to be selected freely, depending on the system-specific requirements. This eliminates the previous need to rebuild filters individually over and over again. The system is simulated and analyzed in advance for the respective combinations on the basis of motor, filter and system data.