Visualisation Platform


COMBIVIS studio HMI enables the production of graphical user interfaces and status monitoring systems for machines. The strengths of COMBIVIS studio HMI include its individually configurable user interfaces which, thanks to the integrated driver database, can be connected to all commercially available control systems. The user benefits from template and function libraries and can easily include standard elements such as alarm handling, recipe management and database registration in its operating concept.


  • Open communications driver database
  • Automated variable exchange
  • Parallel development of HMI and control projects
  • Extensive template library
  • Project scalability irrespective of screen size
  • Multi-touch and gesture control
  • Support of vector graphics and media functions such as videos, office files and PDFs.
  • Convenient debugging options in the simulation and on the actual device 
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Programm description


Created for development of user interfaces, applications for monitor-ing and data acquisition. With the Windows-based visualization tool COMBIVIS studio HMI, complete machines can be visualized within the KEB COMBIVIS studio 6 programming environment. The software can also be used as an independent tool for programming human machine interfaces. 

The basic technology of XML ensures performance and flexibility on an open platform. The human machine interface can therefore be managed easily with production data and statistical analysis by means of  XML. Scalability and flexibility come standard with COMBIVIS studio HMI. HMI solutions, once produced, can therefore be used on various KEB hardware devices - irrespective of whether they are based on Win CE or Win 32/64 operating systems. 

There is no need for the complex reprogramming of screen masks when the hardware is updated in the background.
KEB has designed COMBIVIS studio HMI as an interpreting system. Since there is no compiling, once project objects have been produced they can be reused by simple cut and paste. Because of the KEB philosophy of using open standards, COMBIVIS studio HMI is also ideal for integration and data exchange with PPL and ERP systems, both locally and in remote operation. 
The technologies supported by COMBIVIS studio HMI include: Web servic-es, SVG Graphics, OPC, SQL, ODBC, .Net and Java-Machine for Web-Client  solutions.


Within the KEB world of drive and automation, there are no borders be-tween device technology and software. Consequently, solutions for vis-ualization, movement control and also remote maintenance can be used platform-independently on all KEB devices which have Win CE or Win 32/64 operating systems. So the choice of hardware suitable for an ap-plication is merely a question of the assigned task. Users therefore have a free choice of the form of automation: an integrative approach with just one device, remote panel solution or a decentralized arrangement of core components on different products. Finally, it is the required performance which determines the best path, and not the restrictions of individual products  - which is why at KEB, all devices available in the network can be linked together with just one con-necting cable.



    WIN CE

    WIN 32/64

    COMBIVIS studio HMI Version 5.0. 1183.xxSerialEthernet ADD-ONARMx86
    KEB - PLC HANDLER (Elau, Parker...) xx1)x
    KEB - DIN66019IIxxxx
    B&R PVI mit Protokoll INA 2000 2)xxxx
    B&R TCP 3) xxx
    BACNET IP 4) x x
    BeckhoffTwincat (ADS protocol) 5) xxx
    KNX (EIBUS Konnex)xx x
    ELAPx xx
    FATEK xxx
    GE FANUC SNP-Xx  x
    GE FANUC SRTP2 xxx
    Hilscher NETLINK x x
    Hilscher NETX MPIxNET CoreX MPI x
    Hitachi PLC serie Hx  x
    LonWorksxx x
    Mitsubishi MELSEC A x x
    Mitsubishi MELSEC FXx xx
    Mitsubishi MELSEC Qxxxx
    Mitsubishi FX3U TCP x x
    Modbus RTU Master / Slavex xx
    Modbus TCP IP, Modbus TCP Server xxx
    Moeller SUCOMx xx
    OMRON FINSxxxx
    OMRON Host Linkx xx
    ROBOX xxx
    Rockwell DF1 und Data Highwayx xx
    Rockwell Ethernet IP, Rockwell Ethernet IP 1800 xxx
    SAIA via SCOMM DLLxx x
    SAIA S-BUSxxxx
    Shared Memory xxx
    SIEMENS S5 CPU, SIEMENS S5 DK3864Rx RS232 to current loop convertxx
    SIEMENS S7 200 PPIx xx
    SIEMENS S7 300/400 MPIx x 
    SIEMENS S7 CP 300/400/1200 6) xxx
    SIEMENS SAPI S7xSIEMENS CP5611, 5613, 5614, 5412, SIMATIC NET x

    1) requires CoDeSys Gateway running on controller side, 2) requires an additional PLC communication library (license), 3) requires a FB into the B&R PLC without Libraries,  4) driver for building automation, 5) requires Beckhoff library (free of charge), 6) communication with S7-1200 controllers is supported only with absolute addressing (no symbolic addressing), 7) supports the variable import from TIA portal and the communication to S7-1200/1500 with absolute and symbolic addressing 


    WIN CE 

    WIN CE





    Real-time DB (max.)1024 Byte4096 Byte2048 Byte2048 Byte 4096 Byte
    ODBC real-timexxx
    Trace DB xxxx
    Object eventsxxxx


    Public symbols / Power Templates (VBA symbols)xxxx
    Support of BMP, GIFF, JPG, WMF, EMFxxxxx
    Raster functionalityxxxx
    Dundas display instrumentsxxx
    Alias management in objectsxxxx
    Multi-Touch, gesture control xxxxx
    Objects via Drag and Dropxxx
    Window IP cameraxxxxx


    Historic management (CSV)xxxxx
    Historic management (ODBC)xxxx
    Alarm transmission (SMS, email, voice)xx
    SMS via SMPP protocolxx
    Alarm management xxxxx


    Recipe / Data Logger (XML) xxxxx
    Recipe / Data Logger (ODBC)max. 2xx


    Real-time trend / historic trends (CSV file/Datalogger XML) xxxxx
    Historic trends database (ODBC)xx–  xx
    Data analysisxxxx


    User group management 1024 levels / run-time users xxxxx
    Dynamic multi language xxxxx
    CFR21xx– xx


    Max. number of driversmax. 2max. 4max. 2max. 2max. 4
    Event objects, time management xxxxx
    PLC Tag Importer xxxxx
    OPC Client XML DAxxx
    OPC Client UA, OPC Client DAxxxxx


    IL Logic (Step5-Step7)xxxxx
    VBA Logic (WinWrap Basic)xxmax. 2 scriptexx
    VBA interface communication driversxxxx


    Subprojects xxxx
    Process image navigationxxxx
    Web clientmax. 4 clientsmax. 2 clients
    COMBIVIS HMI mobilexx


    Setup. Combivis Studio H M I.5.1.1183.128
    (zip, 07.12.2021, 707 MB)

    Change log

    Audit of access activities


    • Set OPCUA server port to 4840 in case URL (client side) does not provide it.
    • Fixed incorrect draw of object's borders (due to Win10 update).
    • Fixed Status Variable not updated when exporting Data Logger.
    • Fixed embedded report generation when having several items and data field names terminate with a number.
    • Added new communication driver RALogixEtherNetIPDriver version
    • Updated AGLink to (include support for TIA Portal v17).Suitable for S7TCP_TIAPortal and S7TIA_ProfiNET communication drivers.
    • Added synchronous read on OPCUA Server.
    • OPC UA Client - Updated documentation.
    • Disabled OPCUA Server when working with license 'Basic'.
    • Fixed OPCUA connection status (client side) not working. The bit 0 of the status was not updated in case of server disconnection/shutdown.
    • Fixed blank screen/crash when displaying tags with dynamic factors (e.g. Dynamic Scale Min.) linked to non existing tags.
    • Setting value of "XAML Gauge modern object" with mouse drag, fixed.
    • Fixed Value Label missing update on ValueFormat change in XAML slider.The behaviour of Decimal point on the scale-labels is now the same of the value-label, both using floating-point variables and integer variables.This behaviour is the same for Gauge and Slider objects, both XAML and non-XAML./li>
    • Menu "View" -> "Apply Renamed Variables and Resources" fixed.When a Tag name is changed, Engineering Data of associated tags are updated.
    • Fixed reconnection not working (client side) on OPCUA.
    • Fixed edit box shown always with password style on WebClient.
    • Scale label update failure fixed in XAML gauge and XAML slider also.
    • Fixed IDE graphic issue while DPI is 125% or 4k display.Using a XAML object, windows and fonts are not resized.
    • Updated help documentation (new variable types supported).
    • NumericEntry VBA function "Invalid Limits" error fixed on no limits specified.
    • Fixed attachment not sent on STMP for WinCE.SMTP plugin version
    • Fixed text wrapping in alarm window in all columns.
    • Added support for USINT, UINT, UDINT and LREAL types (included arrays)Driver version
    • Fixed Copy File command not working on WinCE without Skip flag.
    • Fixed embedded report filter on date.
    • SQL Server - Fixed insert of boolean values (false/true) when the column variable is in the form 'VariableName.X' where X is the bit number.
    • Fixed wrong replace of decimal point in string fields on recipe import.
    • Fixed import not working in case PLC folder (station) is not at root level but within a folder.Driver version
    • Fixed recipe variables not read back after synchronous recipe write.
    • Fixed OPC UA tags not displayed if they are directly below end point.
    • Fixed hang during first screen navigation.
    • Fixed 1st member of structures not imported.Driver version
    • Improved log message on Read/Activate Recipe operation completed when working with synchronized recipes.
    • Fixed reset of variables associated to Read/Activate recipe commands when working with synchronized recipes,
    • Added synchronized recipes feature.
    • Synchronous recipes. Fixed array and structure's members types used in recipe table.
    • Fixed a wrong message logged on action aborted by user while importing/exporting recipes.
    • Fixed the Report and Trend data error when the multiple source option is used.
    • Fixed IMDB error after Import/Export all recipes.
    • Fixed crash in 'replace text in all project resources' function.
    • Fixed text customization for virtual keypad title.
    • Fixed error popup shown when connecting with HTML5 client.
    • Fixed the error in the import of strings from csv file exported.
    • Added support for L Area in MicroLogix PLC.Driver version
    • Fixed writing not working on MicroLogix PLC when using '.bit' syntax.
    • Added support for TLSv1.2 in SMTP plugin for WinCE.
    • Help - Updated "Variable Always in Use" information.
    • Removed 'Pro' license type for WinCE
    • Added import of structures contained in 'ENCODED_DATA' blocks.Driver version
    • Active Directory - Improved popup error messages for Windows users.
    • Updated change user password method to prevent authorization errrors.
    • Added ODBC plugins for SQL Server 2017/2019.
    • Made 'Locked' and 'Disabled' not editable for Windows Users.Version
    • Check licensing requirements for Datalogger/Recipe
    • Help - Updated information about System Commands for ExecuteCommand instruction API.
    • Fixed memory leak on Alarm Dispatcher plugins.
    • Aligned Runtime Users login failure messages to Runtime Windows Users messages.
    • Help - Updated names in OPC UA chapter.
    • Help - Updated information for Active Directory function.
    • Added notification to the user when new password doesn't satisfy the requirements of password complex criteria (it must be enabled on domain controller side).
    • Added password expiring notification for Windows User after login.
    • Added password changing (from domain controller or by user choice) for Windows users.
    • Added synchronization of Windows Runtime Users with Domain Controller.
    • Added diagnostic on user login failed.
    • Added missing properties to OPCUAClientObjCmdTarget.
    • The OPC UA xml files are encrypted when the project is crypted.
    • Added Import and export feedback in the recipe manager window object
    • Function 'Speak' removed
    • Added new system variables for release and internal build.
    • Help - Updated SMTP error codes table.
    • Added Basic256Sha256 secuirty policy handling.
    • Help - Added documentation for Active Direcotry groups management.
    • Help - System Variables table updated.
    • Added ODBC status system variables from Movicon
    • Help - Added documentation for System Variable DispatchingError
    • Help - Updated information about "Subs, Functions, Events, Methods and Properties" chapter.
    • Aligned WinCE 7 constraints to Win32 ones.
    • Added automatic installation and enabling of DotNET framework 3.5 during setup.
    • Help - Updated Supported ODBC Plugins list.
    • Added new system variable 'Alarm dispatcher state'
    • Active Directory - Fixed error message text for wrong password change action.
    • Fixed error in the list of system command function.
    • Made messages popup modal for login errors.
    • Fixed Windows Users not recognized when added for the first time.
    • Fixed Level Mask not updated for new added windows users.
    • Added inheritance of language from belonging group in case it is not set at user properties (Windows users).
    • Fixed crash when logged in with a new Windows User but this is not present in Runtime User File (.rtusers).
    • Fixed frame not centered correctly on WinCE.
    • The option 'Demo' removed from the Combobox.
    • Removed unwanted console log messages in uastack startup on WinCE.
    • Fixed crash when using IP Camera without authentication on WinCE.
    • Fixed the crash in the "Print Internal Report" command.
    • Fixed error in CSV file Export.
    • Fixed the date/time problem with HTML5 WebBrowser and different TimeZone.
    • Fixed ip address not working on URL when using certificates (Sign mode)
    • Alarms window and mobile app gives wrong time when connecting with Ubiquity Web pages on RM11
    • Fixed the problem of Alias ​​management used in the Combobox object and in the scripts.
    • Fixed dynamic property inspector for XAML objects
    • Fixed error update 'Datalogger/Recipe' name in all Premium objects where used.
    • Fixed the view of the password when the object property 'Password Style' is enabled in Web Client
    • Fixed wrong field values ​​in the text report on WinCE
    • Fixed version system variables values
    • Fixed Active Directory working also in demo mode
    • Fixed HTML5 webserver security problem.
    • Help - Fixed Links between help pages for gesture. Updated informations.
    • Fixed crypted password not saved correctly in some cases.- S7TIA_ProfiNET version S7TCP_TIAPortal version
    • Import from PLC disallowed in case of password protection and password not supplied in station properties.- S7TIA_ProfiNET version S7TCP_TIAPortal version
    • Fixed retentive tags not imported.Driver version
    • Fixed crash when writing on member structure of type string and communication was not established.Drvier version
    • Fixed arrays of structures containing arrays not imported correctly.Driver version
    • Fixed CIO objects not imported.Driver version
    • Fixed import from file of structure arrays when the structure contains at least one string.Driver version
    • Fixed station property not displayed on importer dialog.Driver version
    • Fixed communication not working when extra characters are received after the end of the answer (probably due to slaves hardware errors).Driver version
    • Fixed MPI not working with PLC S7-315 SPS, 6ES7 315-2AF03-0AB0.MPI Server version
    • Fixed structure fields of type 'Boolean Arrays' not imported correctly.Driver version
    • Extended maximum number of PLCs connected to 8 (before was 4) for WInCE.Driver version version


    • Fixed an issue with Runtime users update if files were manually updated.
    • Fixed a problem transferring files ”.users” and “.uxp” files if not already present.
    • Fixed an issue of updating dynamic limit values for variables in Recipe Manager object.
    • Fixed write not working in case 'Raw Min' is greater than 'Scale Min' in Engineering data of a variable.
    • Fixed "Time format" property of the trend object in Embedded Reports
    • Added boolean array in OPC UA Server data types
    • Updated help recipes restriction "Max. Column Number for Recipe" value for MS Access. Added explanation.
    • Fixed double opening of PAD on EditBox objects if action open pad is declared in "Execute Commands" list.
    • Fixed wrong import of arrays when using OPC UA. Arrays were always imported as boolean arrays regardless of their type.
    • Updated OPC UA documentation.
    • Fixed color properties field, abnormal behavior when clicking from one object to another.
    • Fixed possible exception on network client.
    • Fixed slowness on network client tags subscription/unsubscription toward the network server.
    • Integration of OPC UA Server Win32
    • Fixed crash on XAML Modern Flat Slider on negative height.
    • Fixed bug in connection to database that caused recipes to be not displayed.
    • Fixed issue causing tags not properly refreshed.
    • Fixed wrong in use bytes computation.
    • Fixed an issue for XY trends in report that caused a point to be added.
    • Fixed warning zone not worlking when linked to variables.
    • Fixed anomalous behavior when “start value” is higher than “end value” in XAML Modern flat slider.
    • Fixed the ‘moving and hiding’ of the columns in the datalogger window.
    • Added the management of 'always in use' of recipe tags through user defined tag.
    • Fixed XAML horizontal/vertical bargraph object not displayed in WinCE.
    • Fixed QRCode strobe not working on WinCE
    • Fixed the problem of QRcode text alignment
    • Enabled QrCode Object to be rendered with the following commands: - Print - Capture and Print - Capture and Save - Save Screen Image (Screen Property)
    • Added QrCode object in 'Embedded Report
    • Enabled user authentication via domain controller (Active Directory)
    • Fixed dynamic raw min, dynamic raw max, dynamic scale min, dynamic scale max, dynamic gain and dynamic offset not saved on structure's members.
    • Fixed OPC UA client browser not working with some OPC UA servers
    • The height of the row in the alarm window is fixed
    • Fixed boolean arrays displayed not correctly in watch window
    • Fixed Import All Recipes not working (crash) in case user deselected then option 'Keep the BC Connection Open' on recipe properties.
    • Fixed help opening while pressing F1 on Websocket properties of the Networking topic.
    • Enabled cryptography for plc password field in xml driver settings.
      • S7TIA_ProfiNET release
      • S7TCP_TIAPortal release
      • MPI4Premium. Fixed save of config.xml not working on iMX6 platforms (HMI35/40). Release Driver
      • MPIServer, Fixed load of config.xml not working in case parameter PGPC is not present in the file. Release Server
    • Avoided writes enqueue from PHMI in case communication is in error.
    • Driver version
    • Fixed read/write not working correctly for coils and input discretes.
    • ModBusTCPServer driver version
    • Fixed hang on shutdown in HMI40.
    • Added property in station parameters named "Answer Telegram Length Endianess" to allow communication with PLC that answers with telegram length field in Little Endian.
    • Driver version
    • Added password field in station properties in order to allow access on password protected PLC.
    • S7TCP_TIAPortal release
    • Added password field in station properties in order to allow access on password protected PLC.
    • S7TIA_ProfiNET release
    • Fixed tags not imported whether cpu name contains one or more dots in Driver S7 Profinet
    • Driver version
    • Added support for boolean arrays for TwinCAT 3
    • Release
    • Added support for boolean arrays for S7TCP
    • Release
    • Fixed switch backup server not working. Release


    • Added arrays of boolean support in S7TIA_ProfiNET communication driver.
    • Release
    • Added overwrite check functionality of the runtime users file (.rtuser)
    • Set station timeout to 0 as default value in order to disable timeout with Modbus TCP clients.
    • Release
    • Added arrays of boolean support in S7TCP TIA Portal communication driver.
    • Release
    • Improve tag import filter for Omron Ethernet/IP driver.
    • The tag list is refreshed only when Enter is pressed in one of the filter edit box.
    • Release
    • Improve tag import filter for S7 Tia ProfiNET driver.
    • The tag list is refreshed only when Enter is pressed in one of the filter edit box.
    • Release
    • Improve tag import filter for S7 TCP Tia Portal driver.
    • The tag list is refreshed only when Enter is pressed in one of the filter edit box.
    • Release
    • Restored behavior of the method 'GetAlarmThreshold' (AlarmCmdTarget) in VBA script
    • Added new data type 'Array of booleans'
    • Extended CoDeSys driver tag importer to import array of booleans as a single tag instead of splitting each element into several tags
    • Fixed bug in Datalogger export of floating point values with italian locale (comma as decimal separator). This caused decimal digit to be truncated (always set to 0)
    • Fixed a problem in export of all recipes that caused floating point values to be exported without decimal digit (e.g. 15.34 was exported as 15.00) when regional settings of the machine were set to have decimal separator to be ',' instead of '.'
    • Fixed wrong creation of recipe synoptic with array type
    • Fixed an issue with the function Undo (Ctrl-+Z) in presence of log window
    • Added import of array of boolean (from file and from plc). Added Read/Write operations of boolean arrays from/to plc (only for drivers that support it)
    • Fixed bug in SMTP plugin (WinCE) that caused e-mails not sent using ARUBA as SMTP server and when SSL (Secure Socket) is enabled
    • Improve the Tag importer filter for Rockwell EIP driver removing the reload of the list at each letter typed in the search field, load the variable list only if enter key is pressed
    • Improve the Tag importer filter for S7 TCP driver removing the reload of the list at each letter typed in the search field, load the variable list only if enter key is pressed
    • Improved the Tag importer filter for CoDeSys driver by removing the update of the tag list each time a key is typed in the search field. Now the tag list is updated only when enter key is pressed
    • Fixed wrong string size of array of strings when imported element by element
    • Fixed bug on import from PLC with arrays.
    • If two or more arrays have names that start with the same prefix (e.g. Array_1 and Array_10), after importing, Array_1 was always splitted in many elements.
    • Restored the properties of the "Aligning" bar for XAML objects
    • Fixed the incorrect display that occurred by setting a "Report-Recipe" type command by setting "View Embedded Report" and as Reference period "Today"
    • Fixed the enabling of "Multilanguage alarm log" project property, the alarm log records the string ID instead of the description of the alarm in the current language
    • Fixed the correct coding of some logs of the HTML5 networking section
    • Fixed import on tags containing spaces for Simotion driver
    • Fixed an issue that caused the crash of the application for the Omron EthernetIP Driver
    • Fixed wrong alignement on reading of non consecutive addresses for PPI Driver in VD458 and VD462 addresses
    • Added the progress bar during the Tag import function for driver Rockwell EIP
    • Added progress bar during the Tag import function for driver TwinCat
    • Restored the properties of the "Aligning" bar for XAML objects
    • Fixed the incorrect display that occurred by setting a "Report-Recipe" type command by setting "View Embedded Report" and as Reference period "Today"
    • Fixed the enabling of "Multilanguage alarm log" project property, the alarm log records the string ID instead of the description of the alarm in the current language
    • Fixed the correct coding of some logs of the HTML5 networking section
    • Updated names and paths in which the HTTPS security certificates are generated
    • Fixed export from a recipe action for a record containing float values
    • Added the history of the APN in a registry key
    • Added support for Boolean arrays only for internal variables
    • Fixed the visualization of all columns in a datalogger during confirmation connection between a datalogger and a datalogger window
    • Fixed an issue during the import of variables with the tool that could change some default values
    • Disabled unsupported properties for XAML objects on right-click menu
    • The function “Replace Text in all project resources” now works for all project resources
    • Fixed an issue that could slow down XAML object reactivity if it's part of a symbol object
    • Fixed the usage of zoom function on workbench
    • Fixed the issue of screen positioning with coordinates 0,0 for a second opened popup
    • Fixed Command Type Window - Report tab doesn't allow the user to switch another tab
    • Fixed the problem with the multilingual historical log functionality when there is a variable value in the string translation in the string table
    • Fixed UI block in case of heavy use of system resources
    • Fixed the problem that appeared when changing the "keyboard size" property in the general section of the project, no change in size occurs
    • It is no longer necessary to run the application as an administrator to make webserver works
    • Fixed hang-up issues that affected the trend when it was paused
    • Fixed the display problem if "Keep on separate page" is applied in the header properties
    • Added warning zones threshold configured by tags
    • Added option (registry key) to disable “on screen keyboard”
    • Websocket server (HTML5) disabled by default
    • Fixed issue when importing tags from csv files
    • Fixed pad not opening when called by XAML objects
    • Fixed issue with frame popups and numeric pad; they were erroneously placed in the background. When closing the pad they remain now in the foreground
    • Fixed unexpected keypad opening when touching outside editable objects
    • Fixed unexpected command execution on button release
    • Fixed issue occurred with gesture option enabled and multi-touch option not enabled; when tapping on an object the VBA script in the click event was not executed.
    • Fixed memory leak when printing embedded report
    • Fixed trend stop occurred when opening a synoptic containing a horizontal trend using pens connected to project variables
    • Fixed numeric pad reopening erroneously occurring after closing it and clicking on any area of the screen
    • By setting the "1" value in the "Password Duration (Days)" parameter of a user, the password expired exactly 48 hours after the creation of the user instead of expiring 24 hours after or the day after the last one
    • Fixed popup opening with command 'Keep Pressed' which re-opened spontaneously after closing
    • Fixed the problem when the insertion of a new line and selection of the same for the grid object causes the elimination of all the records of the table when the delete key of the grid is pressed
    • Fixed problem visible when opening several Popups in Modal mode and in sequence, the "SysVar: ActiveScreen" system variable was not updated when the last popup was closed
    • Fixed numeric pad reopening erroneously occurring after closing it and clicking on any area of the screen
    • Fixed Runtime Crash if a non-existent variable is defined in the alarm text
    • Fixed an error in the count of the elements of a structured variable
    • Added SQL Server 2016 support
    • Fixed wrong printing port initialization for USB printers
    • Solved the “imports all the recipes” issue
    • Fixed the problem of sending email via alarm dispatcher when using RM11 with a data SIM
    • Fixed datalogger operation when saving “on data change” strings variable types on WinCE
    • Added HTML5 support
    • Added support for internal modem on x86 systems with Windows OS. Check compatibility with technical support
    • Fixed spurious "System error 2" error messages in logs
    • Added option in the datalogger properties to force all the columns of a datalogger to be sent to the push agent even if the corresponding variable is not changed
    • Changed time stamp information when packing data before pushing them to the cloud. Now it is used the Time Stamp of the acquisition and not of the time of the push event
    • Increased the size of the write queue: allows more consecutive write requests to be queued. Useful for impulsive commands
    • Fixed an issue that did not allow the user to change the label font size
    • Fixed wrong visualization using internal report
    • Fixed an issue with format variable property and the Import/Export all Recipes function that caused an error of exported values
    • The checkbox “Update runtime” has been removed from project upload windows (the one that allows the user to upload the project FROM the device)
    • The export function for the datalogger exports data in the default format of each variable if set
    • Added the possibility for the user to delete variable directly from the cross-reference variable list (useful for deleting unused variables)
    • Updated certificate names and paths
    • Fixed an issue that didn't allow to edit a button state or the value of an edit-box
    • Fixed an issue that occurred while using the Multi-Touch option affecting the focus area pressed with the finger
    • Add the percentage text in the import progress bar
    • For arrays of structure just one structure prototype for the whole array is created
    • Added the progress bar during the Tag import function for driver Omron EIP
    • Add the progress bar during the Tag import function for driver S7 ProfiNET
    • Add the progress bar during the Tag import function for driver S7 TCP TIA Portal
    • Add the progress bar during the Tag import function for driver S7 TCP
    • Add the progress bar during the Tag import function for driver CoDeSys
    • Added online import from PLC for Rockwell Ethernet-IP
    • Fixed wrong data writing performed by recipe FINS ETHERNET v. (mixed data)