Whistleblower Contact (Whistleblower-RL)
The KEB Group aims to ensure that decisions are in accordance with the law, internal regulations and values.
The whistleblower system serves to implement the Whistleblower Protection Act. The whistleblower system is intended to help employees, customers, suppliers and other third parties to report violations of laws, regulations or guidelines, such as the company's internal Code of Conduct.
If you would like to report a grievance or a breach of the law or regulations, you can contact the legal department in confidence (and anonymously if you wish) as an internal point of contact. You can find more detailed information in our Rules of procedure:

Sebastian Adloff
Legal Department
+49 5263 401-688
or by mail to
Whistleblower Contact (Wistleblower-RL)
KEB Automation KG, Südstraße 38, 32683 Barntrup