Start of vaccination at KEB Automation
High participation at vaccination launch
"In the end, it went faster than we had hoped," says Roman Schwagmeier, Head of Human Resources at KEB Automation. The company's own Corona test centre became the vaccination centre within a few days. Many of the German employees take advantage of the voluntary vaccination offer of the automation specialist.
"We are glad that our colleagues get the opportunity to be vaccinated through KEB as well," says Roman Schwagmeier. "Corona has quickly presented us with enormous challenges. So the vaccination – not only for us – is a great ray of hope for a bit more normality."
Since 9 June, every employee can get vaccinated in the specially set up vaccination centre. "In the first two weeks, we were able to give the first vaccination to more than 280 employees," reports company doctor Dr. Rembert Müller from Barntrup.
Everyone involved is happy about the high willingness to be vaccinated among the almost 1,000 employees at the company headquarters. "It is an important criterion for us that we will soon be able to work together in person again in the offices," says Schwagmeier. "As well as video conferencing has carried us since March 2020, it can't replace face-to-face exchanges in all areas of life."
Many colleagues, especially from the administrative areas, had not been in the company for weeks or even months, he said. Early on, the Corona team – i.e. the Corona crisis team at KEB – decided to introduce mobile working on a broad scale. "That and far-reaching hygiene and distance rules have meant that we have had very few Corona cases among the employees," explains Schwagmeier. Another light at the end of the tunnel: the opening of the canteen, planned for July, in line with Corona actions. "It feels good to regain a bit of normality."